Closing a Worker

When a worker has completed their assignment or needs to be removed from a job, use the following instructions to close the worker in the system and end their assignment.

Watch the video tutorial here:


Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To close a worker, choose Workers from the left sidebar.
  2. Search for your worker and click on their name to open their profile.
  3. Change the status to the applicable status.

    Pro tip: Once you have selected a status if a refill job posting is needed, you can create one, and select the vendor(s) that will receive the posting. This will be an exact mirror of the position you are closing.
  4. Enter an end date, end reason, and include any necessary end notes (this section is not required but is a free text field so that you can add anything specific about this worker's assignment.
  5. Click Save Changes once complete.
  6. At this time, the system will notify the agency the worker is associated with to let them know the assignment has ended.  Also, your vendor(s) will receive an email if a refill posting is created.

If you need any additional assistance with closing a worker, please reach out to SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or