Job Postings Page

Navigate to the Job Postings page to view a listing of your current positions and to add new ones.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To review job postings, choose Job Postings from the left sidebar.
  2.  By default, the grid will display Active or On Hold job postings. To adjust the view click on the Status filter at the top of the screen.
  3. Job postings can be edited at any time by a manager after they are created, and agencies will be alerted via email if any changes are saved.
  4. You can adjust your grid view to only show specific information by selecting the column chooser and adding or removing columns. If you click on the header of any column the data will be sorted against that column, or click and drag a column to a different place on the page.
  5. Once you have your filters and columns set up the way you want them, you can click Export, and download this data in Excel or CSV format. 
  6. To restore the default view, click Reset Layout.
  7. For help creating a new job posting, please visit this Help Center article.

If you need any additional assistance navigating the Job Postings page, please reach out to SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or