Admin: Managers Page

Navigate to the Managers page to review and edit manager details, including contact information, access levels, and sites they are restricted to in the system.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1.  To create a Manager account, choose Admin - Managers from the left sidebar.
  2. As an Administrator, you can create a new user by clicking on the +Add Manager button, selecting their access level, filling in the required fields (notated by red asterisks), restricting to the applicable site(s), and linking to other users to receive the same updates/notifications and visibility from the system.  
  3. It is also important to tie users to the teams (shifts) that they would need access to view. 
  4. If you need to view an inactive account, disable the ‘Active Users’ toggle to populate all accounts. 
  5. An Admin can update an existing user’s information by clicking on their name and making the necessary changes. 

 If you need additional assistance creating a Manager, please contact SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or