Admin: Sites, Districts, & Regions Page

Navigate to the Sites, Districts, & Regions page to access your managed locations within the system. Sites and Districts are used to differentiate specific locations per client to help organize managers, workers, and vendor data.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To review, add a new site or edit an existing site, choose Admin - Sites & Districts from the left sidebar.
  2. +Add Region, District, and/or Site as needed by clicking the applicable buttons in the right-hand corner of the page.  Enter all of the required fields (red asterisks). 
  3. View/Search all locations that have been created for your account. 
  4. Click on each physical location for an overview of the data loaded and the history tab to review any changes made. 
  • Pro Tip:  When creating a new site, disable the Simplified View to add any one-off requirements that differ from the default settings. 

If you need additional assistance creating a Site, please contact SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or