Updating Pay & Bill Rates

When updating Pay & Bill Rates on an active worker, make sure to check if the worker has an active timesheet. When updating the worker profile, the timesheet does not automatically update.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To update a worker's rate information, choose Workers from the left sidebar.
  2. Enter the worker's name in the search field in the first column, then click on their name to open their worker profile.
  3. Scroll down to the Pay and Bill Rate fields, and you can make any necessary changes.  Once complete, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
  4. Pro Tip:  When updating a worker's profile, make sure to check if that worker has an active timesheet; updating the worker's profile does not update any existing time sheets.
  5. Click View Time & Expenses for this worker and select the timesheet for the work week the rate change took place.
  6. Adjust the Pay and Bill rates accordingly on the timesheet and click Save Changes

    *Please note: You cannot update a timesheet that has already been associated with an invoice. An expense must be entered to capture this difference affected by the rate change. To learn more about how to enter an expense, please visit this Help Center article.

If you need any additional assistance with updating pay and bill rates, please reach out to SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or support@simplevms.com