Invoices Page

The Invoices page will display a list of system generated invoices that we have submitted to the client on your behalf. It is here you can see the status of each invoice, Submitted, Approved, Received, or Paid.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To view an invoice, choose Invoices from the left sidebar.
  2. The Remit Log button displays the dates on which your agency received payments from SimpleVMS, the number of invoices paid, and the amount paid. Select a date to view the details of each payment. 

    Please note: The Date Paid is when SimpleVMS initiated the EFT payment.  Payments usually take 1-3 business days to post to your bank account. 
  3. The dropdown will display Not Received/Paid by default.  When you click the dropdown, you can change the filter to view additional options. 
  4. Selecting the column chooser will allow you to add/remove columns, click the column header to sort against that column, and click to drag a column to a different position on the page.  Once your filters and columns are set, click Export to extract your data for reporting purposes. 
  5.  You can track the lifecycle of any invoice by clicking on the invoice number.  By default, you will see an overview of the invoice.  A date and time stamp will populate in the History Overview when payment is received by SimpleVMS and then again when SimpleVMS pays the vendor. 

    Please note: If you see an estimated date in the payment column, this is derived from the net terms the client has set, 5 days for SimpleVMS accounting to process payment, and a 7 day float. This is ONLY an estimate, invoices are paid out to vendors within 5 business days of receiving payment from the client. 
  6. The Items tab will display a list of workers’ approved timesheets and/or expenses, the total hours worked and/or expense total, the vendor, and the department associated with each worker. 

If you need additional assistance navigating the Invoices page, please contact SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or