Job Postings Page

You can find the positions your clients have posted that your agency can recruit and submit candidates for on the Job Postings page.

Watch the video tutorial here:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. To search for a job posting, choose Job Postings from the left sidebar.
  2. The default display on the Job Postings page will show all Active job postings. You can disable the Active Job Postings toggle if you need to reference all job posting statuses.  
  3. Select the column chooser to add or remove any columns to this page.  You can click the header of any column to sort against that column, then click and drag a column to a different position on the page. Once you set your filters and columns, click Export to extract this data for reporting purposes.  Click Reset Layout to restore the default view. 
  4. To view a Job Posting, click directly on the job posting name.  This will display the posting details and any documents attached to provide additional information.  A few sections will allow you to click to show more options.  If you have any questions regarding the position, you can click Ask a question about the position, and an email will be sent to the client.   
  5. The History tab will show the client's changes to this job posting. 
  6. The Candidates tab will show all candidates your agency has submitted to this posting. 

If you need additional assistance navigating the Job Postings page, please contact SimpleVMS support at 888-255-8918 ext.2 or